About Us

TheGeneral Bulletin is a blog style media group. We publish news, information and critics, reviews, and videos.

TheGeneral Bulletin is consist of a small group of people that met each other during their High School times. The founder and the author (Generalryan) grouped his school friends to form TheGeneral Bulletin.

TheGeneral Bulletin was not intended or created to attack any Organization, Group, or Community. Our only intention is to publish news, information and critics, videos, and reviews. Not to spread any hatred against a certain Organization, Group, or Community. And from the articles we are publishing, it's the people around the world who decide if the actions or possible wrongdoings of these Organization, Group, or Community. That's only our major objective.
TheGeneral Bulletin is not created as a whistle blower site. But a blog that was intended to share news around the world.

Q: When we visited the website, I saw Generalryan as a author of each article. Now it was changed as Admin. Why?
A: We are using one account for posting articles. We do this so that we can validate each and everyone's article entries. The "Generalryan" is the founder and we are using his account to post and now we changed it as "Admin" to avoid confusion.

Q: Are you a whistle blower website?
A: No. As we have said, TheGeneral Bulletin was created for sharing news, information and critics, videos, and reviews. Not a whistle blower website.

Q: Can I share something with your blog?
A: Sure, just check out our "Contact Us" page

Q: I have vital information about something, can I entrust TheGeneral Bulletin abou this?
A: Yes, you can trust us because we are following strict rules on privacy. Email us immediately for your request.

Q: What is the process of publishing articles at your blog?
A: It's easy, we gather information and we comment about it. After that, we do a final review before publishing it.

Q: Why do you criticize on one of your published articles?
A: Well, because that's the way we can share our opinions. You can also share your opinions by commenting on a article.

Hopefully there will be more Q&A's